Parking penalties and penalties for speeding?

For all traffic accidents, as well as parking penalty, a client who rented a vehicle is charged. Box rent a car has the right to charge from the client the residual penalties (penalties that arrive at Box rent a car for up to 24 months). All parking charges for the traffic and communal police are ten times more expensive for official vehicles, including rent car (punishment for parking on a green surface is 55,000 rsd, and for an improper parking at the place for invalids 110,000 rsd).

Documents needed to rent a car?

1. You must have 21 or more years and be more than 1 year in the possession of a driver’s license.
1. Valid credit card or debit.
2.driving license.
3rd card or passport.
All documents must be valid until the rental expires.

What should I do if a crash occurs?

In the event of an accident, it is important to immediately call the police, and our office. In case you are not guilty of an accident, we will provide you another vehicle (any category) within 24 hours. It is necessary to complete and sign the European report contained in the documents and / or the document you receive from the police. Details of the third parties involved in the accident must also be delivered, and it is desirable to take photographs of the accident, all vehicles from both directions, before moving from the scene.

Another driver

The second driver must be entered into the contract, and that he / she meets the condition that he / she has 21 years or more and has a valid driving license for at least 1 year

Do you need an original driving license?

Yes, we only accept original driving license. We do not accept a copy of the driver’s license.

Children – children’s seats?

Children under 135 cm in height must sit in a child seat / buster. You can get these seats in Box rent a car for free or with a fee if you need more seats.

Where can I rent a car?

You can take a reserved vehicle in New Belgrade or at Belgrade Airport “Nikola Tesla”

Is it allowed to ride a car on non-paved roads / out of the road, a pavement?

Is not allowed. If you drive out of the road, all insurance benefits cease to exist. Any damage incurred on the vehicle in this case will be fully charged to you, including any damage on tires, traps, scratches from vegetation and additional car washes.

Fuel – a refueling of spent fuel?

You will take the car with a full fuel tank. Unless you return a vehicle with the same amount of fuel, we will charge you the cost of a missing fuel.

Can I drive a car out of Serbia?

Yes, with a rented car you can cross the state border, but with the permission of Box rent a car.

Can the vehicle be taken over and returned to another location?

Of course, you can return a rented vehicle to another location, but you need to arrange an appointment with our staff.

What happens if I keep the vehicle longer than the agreed term?

It is necessary that you contact the day before the expiration of the deadline for returning the vehicle to extend the number of rental days and give a new contract.

What is a car rental agreement?

The Vehicle Rental Agreement is a contract for the use of a rented vehicle signed by Box rent a car and a vehicle user. Box rent a car gives the user a use of the vehicle under the conditions specified in this contract.

When I pay car rent?

When picking up a car and signing a Lease Agreement.

If I’m late with returning the vehicle, do I have extra billing?

One day’s rent is 24 hours. Any delay beyond the agreed time is subject to the payment of an additional rental day.

Can the reservation be changed?

You can change your reservation up to 48 hours before the start of the rental. Please contact us by phone to change the reservation.